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Holistic Myo Center, Palmer Distinctive Dentistry, Greenville, SC

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2020 National Winner for Dental Practice Award USA won by Palmer Distinctive Dentistry Greenville, SC
Dr. Palmer - Alphaeon Credit

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Dentist Greenville SC - Five Star Reviews
Five star review from Google
Palmer distinctive dentistry was the best experience I've ever had at a dentist. They treat you with respect and everyone is very courteous. Pricing is reasonable and the work I had done was quick and painless. Although the time the doctor spent explaining all the options was priceless.

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Oil pulling: Get the recipe for a brighter, better smile

Check out this recipe for whiter teeth, better breath, and a healthier mouth. The ingredients for oil pulling are probably in your pantry. We’ll show you how easy it is to use coconut or other vegetable oils to keep your teeth and gums looking their best and healthiest. It’s not just another “fad”; we’d never recommend something our patients couldn’t truly benefit from. A staple of traditional Indian medicine, oil pulling has been around for more than 2,500 years.
Hi, I'm Heidi Dickerson and welcome to LVI TV, your weekly dental news source. Why am I feeling so fresh? Well I just finished doing some oil pulling. Oil pulling has been all over the news recently. What is it? Well, you basically swish vegetable oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and then you spit it out. It's based on Indian traditional medicine and it's been around for 2500 years. What does it do? It detoxifies your mouth by binding with the oral bacteria, pulling the toxins from your mouth. This works because the bacteria is covered with a fat membrane and it's attracted to the oil. They bind together. Strep mutans is the main bacteria causing plaque, cavities and gingivitis. This biofilm which exists on your teeth consists of bacteria. It sticks to the oil and the oil pulls it off. Hence the name oil pulling. That's as simple as I can make it. Oil has antimicrobial properties, especially coconut oil. And it coats your teeth which provides a slippery barrier and prevents bacteria from building up. The benefits are healthier gums, decreased inflammation and infection, better breath and whiter teeth. How do you do it? Start with coconut oil. It tastes pretty good and it’s antimicrobial. Put a tablespoon of it in your mouth. Swish it around for 10-20 minutes. Spit out the oil. Try it once a day for a week and let us know how you feel in the comments section below. Don't forget to like us and subscribe and I'll see you next time on LVI TV.

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