Home and After Care Instructions
KOR Home Whitening Instructions:
General Info: Trays can be worn during the day or night. Pick a time you can set aside 1-3 hours and plan to bleach then. The bleach is time released and is active for 3 hours.
Do not eat or drink while trays are in your mouth.
The bleach does not work on crowns or composite restorations. Therefore, placing bleach in these areas is wasting the bleach.
Always store bleach in refrigerator.
Whitening Process:
- Thoroughly brush and floss your teeth.
- Place one to two drops of desensitizer on cotton tipped applicators that are provided.
- Apply desensitizer to the outside surfaces of teeth and let air dry for 10 seconds.
- Place a pin size drop of whitening gel on the inside front surface of the trays of each tooth you want to bleach.
- Place trays in the mouth covering the teeth.
- Remove and excess gel from the gum tissue with a Q-tip, making sure to go along the edges of the tray.
- Place bleach back in refrigerator.
- After 3 hours remove trays and brush teeth.
- Rinse out trays with water making sure all gel is removed from trays before storing.
- Repeat this process daily for two weeks.
Cavitation Surgery After Care
What to Expect:- Soreness and Swelling due to surgery
- Continue to bite on gauze until bleeding has stopped
(extra sterile gauze has been provided) - Place ice park (provided) on cheek for 20 minutes On/ 20 minutes OFF for several hours
- If face continues to swell, reapply ice pack until swelling is relieved
- You may gently brush your teeth - making sure to not irritate the surgical site
- After 24 hours, you may begin warm salt water rinsing. Lightly swishing - several times daily.
- In 7-10 days you will return to have stiches removed
Front Desk will schedule Return Appointments.
Extraction After Care
Please follow these instructions after an extraction for the next 24 hours.- Change gauze when full, and replace with gauze given.
- Continue biting on gauze until bleeding stops completely.
- Do not drink through a straw.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not spit.
- Do not oil pull for at least 4 weeks after stitches are removed.
If in 3-5 days your pain changes drastically, please call our office.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call 864-879-6494 or 864-915-4959.
Implant After Care
What to Expect- Soreness and Swelling due to surgery
- If you are in a lot of pain - Immediately call our office
- If you are leaving with a Temporary - Wear Temporary 24/7. You may remove it to brush your teeth.
- DO NOT touch the implant/ implant site with your tongue or hand.
- If you are hitting implant white eating, avoid the area by chewing on the opposite side of the mouth.
- If you are leaving with stitches, you will return in 7-10 days to have them removed
If you have any questions, please call our office at 864-879-6494.